Is an 1100 SAT score bad?

Is a 1100 SAT Score Bad? Evaluation & Guide

When it comes to SAT scores, determining what is considered “good” can be a bit tricky. The question: Is a 1100 SAT Score Bad? it depends on various factors, such as the university and program you are targeting. To help you understand your score better, let’s delve into the SAT scoring system and what it means for you.

The average national SAT score is 1050, so an 1100 score is actually above average. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s considered a “good” score for all universities. To get a better idea, you need to look at the median SAT score of admitted students at your target universities in recent years. Additionally, considering the acceptance rate of the university and program can give you insight into what SAT score is considered competitive.

It’s important to note that an 1100 SAT score falls within the 58th percentile. This means it is higher than 58% of other test takers, which is a positive sign.

While highly selective universities may require higher scores, there are many good universities where an 1100 score is competitive, such as Coastal Carolina University, East Carolina University, and Texas State University.

If you want to improve your SAT score, there are several tips you can follow. Doing well in school, taking practice tests, and seeking help from teachers or tutors can all contribute to boosting your score. Remember, the SAT score is just one aspect of your college application, so focus on all aspects, including GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities.

Key Takeaways:

  • An 1100 SAT score is above average, but its competitiveness depends on the university and program you are applying to.
  • Research the median SAT scores of admitted students at your target universities to understand how your score compares.
  • Aim for a higher score to increase your competitiveness, especially at more selective institutions.
  • Remember that SAT scores are not the sole basis for admissions decisions; other factors like GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities also matter.
  • If you decide to retake the SAT, prepare by taking practice tests and seeking help to improve areas that need work.

Is it possible to go from a 1100 to a 1400 on SAT?  Yes, Here’s how.

What Colleges Can You Get Into With an 1100 SAT Score?

When it comes to college admissions, SAT scores play a significant role in determining acceptance. If you have an 1100 SAT score, you may be wondering which colleges and universities you can get into. While an 1100 score is considered good, it may not be competitive for highly selective institutions. However, there are still many colleges where an 1100 score can meet the requirements for admission.

Some examples of colleges that accept an 1100 SAT score include Coastal Carolina University, East Carolina University, Texas State University, Georgia State University, and the University of Memphis. These universities have lower SAT score requirements, making them more accessible for students with an 1100 score. However, it’s important to note that admission decisions are not solely based on SAT scores.

Colleges also consider other factors such as GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities. While an 1100 score may meet the requirements for admission to these colleges, it’s advisable to aim for a higher score to increase competitiveness at more selective institutions. Each college sets its own standards for SAT scores, so it’s crucial to research the specific requirements of each institution you are interested in.

“While an 1100 SAT score may not open the doors to highly competitive universities, it can still provide opportunities for higher education. Don’t let your score discourage you from pursuing your dreams. Focus on finding colleges where your score is considered competitive and showcase your other strengths in your application.”


After evaluating the 1100 SAT score, it can be concluded that it is considered good SAT score, but may not be competitive for highly selective universities. It’s crucial to research the score requirements of target colleges and universities to determine if retaking the SAT is necessary. Increasing your SAT score to 1200 or higher can enhance college applications and improve acceptance chances.

While scholarships based on SAT scores may be available, it’s recommended to search for scholarships based on extracurriculars, life circumstances, and passions as well. Remember that the SAT score is just one aspect of the college admissions process. A comprehensive and authentic application, including GPA, essays, and letters of recommendation, is essential for success.

For those considering retaking the SAT, adequate preparation is key. Taking practice tests, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and focusing on areas that need improvement can make a significant difference. Remember to consider all aspects of the college application process and give equal importance to GPA, essays, and letters of recommendation along with SAT scores.